
I’m happy to announce that I’m hosting the food blog photography event Does My Blog Look Good in This? (better known as DMBLGiT?) here this month. I’m sure most of you know about DMBLGiT? but just in case you’re new to it, this is a monthly food (and drink) photography event started in 2005 by Andrew of SpitoonExtra
In 2014, Neel of Learn Food Photography took over the event and has given it a new lease of life. I have previously hosted twoeditions of DMBLGiT? and also been lucky enough to win it a couple of times. The nice thing about this photography event is that it showcases talent from food blog photography and is judged by peers from within the community.

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do” – Steve Jobs.

“Food for the body is not enough. There must be food for the soul.” – Dorothy Day.
Meet this Month’s Judges
Our three judges for this month are all food bloggers who are good food photographers as well. Not only do they post beautiful food on their blogs, they also pursue it professionally. My thanks go to them for finding the time and agreeing to be here, and I’m happy to introduce our judges to you.
Simi Jois
Simi Jois, who blogs at Turmeric Spice is a marketing and branding professional by training. She was raised in an art-emphasized home and subconsciously trained her mind to engage creatively with colour, texture, light, shadow and composition. Simi believes that her love for creating unique flavors is deeply connected to her love of food photography.
Her work has been featured on MSN (food drink), Fox News magazine, Better Homes, the Kitchn and Artful blogging. She is a frequent contributor on the Daily Meal.
Her portfolio showcases her work with food photography.
Alessio Fangano
Born in sunny Sicily, Alessio’s journey with food began when he moved to Florence for his studies and had to cook for himself. He started writing Recipe Taster, his blog when to Bonn to study some more. His background in science and love for food paved the way to becoming a successful recipe developer.
Today, he has found his calling as a freelance recipe developer, private chef, teacher and photographer.
Please see Alessio’s portfolio for examples of his photography.
Simone van den Berg
Simone has been blogging since 2006 and has since moved from working in operations management for a large sporting company to being a full time food photographer for major publishing companies, restaurants, catering companies and brands.
She currently blogs at Simone’s Kitchen, and you can see her photography at her portfolio
Let me now explain how DMBLGiT works.
1. Judging Criteria:
The judges will review all the submitted photographs, and then score them based on the following criteria –
– Edibility: Does the photo make us want to dig in and eat the food?
– Aesthetics: composition, food styling, lighting, focus of the photo.
– Originality: Does the photograph catch our attention and make us say “wow!” by displaying something we might not have seen before.
The scores from all the judges for each photograph will be put together and the highest scoring photograph in each category will be declared the winner for that category. There will also be a first, second and third place overall winner (based on the highest score in all three categories combined)
2. How to participate:
All you have to do is select your best photograph from you blog posts for the previous month, that is between 1st July and 31st July, 2015.
Then e-mail it to aparna[DOT]bala[DOT]photography[AT]gmail[DOT]com and copy it to dmblgit[ATlearnfoodphotography[DOT]com.
Please add “Submission for DMBLGiT August 2015” in the title space of your e-mail.
Your e-mail should include the following information –
1) Your full name.
2) Your blog name and URL.
3) Title of your photograph.
4) URL of the blog post where the submitted photo is posted.
5) An agreement from you to let us display your photo on this blog, the Learn Food Photography website and the DMBLGiT contest gallery. We won’t use your photograph for any other purpose outside DMBLGiT.
3. General DMBLGiT Contest Rules:
– Your photograph must be in jpeg format with the longest size should be no longer than 500 pixels. This means it should be 500px wide whether your photograph is in horizontal or landscape format or vertical or portrait format.
– The photo must not have any text on it.
– Only one entry per person, so just one photograph and no diptychs please.
– The photo must have been taken and posted during the month of July 2015.
– This goes without saying but I’m saying it anyway – you must have taken the photograph yourself and must own the copyright to the photo.
– Your photograph and details should reach me by August 20th at midnight whenever that is in your part of the world.
Once I have received your e-mail, you will receive a confirmation within three days. If you don’t hear from me, please let me know. Do feel free to write to me if you have any questions about DMBLGiT?
I’m looking forward to seeing your photographs so do send them in. You can see all of this month’s submissions in the DMBLGiT Gallery
I would also very much appreciate it if you could share this on your social media so that more food bloggers get to know about it. Thank you.
If you would like to host a future edition of DMBLGiT?, please see this post to contact Neel at Learn Food Photography for more details.
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