In the southern part of India, where I come from, bread and baking is, traditionally, not a part of our food and cooking. One reason for this could be that the predominant grain in our part of the world is rice and wheat is grown in the plains of northern India.
However, the idea of making my own bread, tasty and free from the additives of commercial baking, has always appealed to me. Yet my early disasters (and there were so many) at making bread nearly made me give up the idea. A couple of years back, a good friend showed me how to conquer yeast and since then I have been enjoying my discovery of the world of breads.
Some time back I also came upon Bread Baking Day (BBD), an event started by Zorra at 1x umrühren bitte, dedicated to getting bread makers together every month. The themes put forward by the hosts every month has opened up a wide variety of breads to me.
Last month’s BBD was a first anniversary special and hosted by Zorra herself with “Bread with Sprouts” as the theme. You can find a round up of breads chock full of health here
This month, Zorra has given me the opportunity to host Bread Baking Day and I have chosen “Small Breads” as the theme. By small breads, I mean individual serving size breads. That would bring to my mind breads like buns, rolls, biscuits, bagels, waffles, beignets, doughnuts, croissants, bread sticks, pretzels, etc. There are many more small breads I do not know of so I am waiting to learn about them from you.
You can make them sweet or savory, plain or stuffed, or add fruit/ vegetable/ nuts/ seeds/ herbs/ spices, etc. You can get creative and shape your bread decoratively. The sky’s the limit for possibilities. The only two things to keep in mind are that the bread should be “small” and should be made with a leavening agent.
Since this is a vegetarian blog (eggs are okay here), I must request that all entries be vegetarian.
So I’m looking forward to all your entries. To be a part of this event, you just need to do the following:
1\. Bake some “small bread”.
2. Post it on your blog anytime between today and the 1st of August and link back to this post.
3. Then send me an e-mail at [email protected] (aprna zero [email protected]), with BBD #12 as the subject and the following details:
Your name.
Your location.
The name of your blog along with url of your blog.
The name of your bread and url (permalink) to your post.
A 300 pixel wide picture of your bread, if possible.
If your blog is not in English, then please send me a translation of your post in English or do the BBD post on your blog in English.
If you do not have a blog but would like to be a part of this event, please send me your recipe and write-up (with picture, if possible) and I would be happy to include it in the round-up.
Remember, the last date is the 1st of August and I will post the round-up around the 5th of August. And feel free to use the banner with your BBD post.
Happy Baking!
I am so looking forward to this one – I love baking bread but due to time constraints, don’t do it very often now. When I can I do it every week. And small breads! I can’t wait to see the roundup. I will try get an entry together.
oh my aprana…you are active this month!…:)…I am so eager for this round up already!!!…I am not into baking these days..but will try and see if my skills are still intact!..but small breads are such lovely ones!
I love the theme! Aparna, are chemical leavening agents like baking powder acceptable?
Very cool! I love this event but will be missing it. I will check out the round up!:)
damn cool theme. i am obsessed with baking these days.
I missed the last one but I am definitely in for this one:)
cool one. i will be in
Interesting.. I have a few ideas already 🙂
awesome theme aparna..perfect timeing..i have a fantatsic bread book and i will be on a bread baking dpree..u will definitely see some multiple entries from me :)…just 1 question does corn bread come under small breads ?
Fantastic Aparna, so finally u got to host the theme.Love the idea of small breads.I am excited to see the varities soon.
Nupur,Since baking powder is a leavening agent, its acceptable. Just that the bread has to be “small”.I’m happy to see that you all enjoy baking bread as much as I do. I’m looking forward to all your entries.
Made some bagels today! Will post them tomorrow and send it:)
Brötchen, what a great idea!Ulrike from Küchenlatein
Aparna, although it’s not my favourite time to bake breads (the temperature will reach 40 degrees C) I shall definitely bake something for your event. Good luck. I have a surprise for you at my blog.
Hi aparnaan interesting theme..will try to do something
Just mailed it across! Hope you have recd. them.
Hey Aparna,Nice to know you through food blog world. I will come up with something for this wonderful event. Thanks for dropping by!
I think this will be the first time I will participate, I love small things 🙂
I will do my best to participate, I haven’t bake bread for a while now.. so now I have excuse :)I’m adding it to the my event’s list on C&V.Enjoy your day, Margot
Ok. So I’m waiting to see what you’ve all baked for BBD.Thanks, Margot.
So excited! I’m thinking maybe your pretzel idea….I think the kids would like it too.
I think I already know what I’ll be making! I missed out on last month due to too many obligations, but I won’t miss out on this! Thanks for chosing such a great theme!
Ah. Nice. I can’t wait to start planning.
Oh this is cool! I jus made something today and my enthu was on high so thought to chk Zorra to know what the theme for july was and VILOLA – the “something” i made today fits so well with ur theme 🙂 sending mine humble entry 2morrow:)
I just sent you the enty details for my knots.Ulrike from Küchenlatein
this sure sounds fun. hopefully i will be able to send an entry soon.
Great choice. Hope I get chance to do this one.
Aparna, I am having problems sending you the e-mail with my participation. Here is the URL of the post and please use the last photo for the round up.http://kopiaste.blogspot.com/2…
Hi Aparna…just posted hamburger buns. Will mail you soon. The link is http://passionateaboutbaking.b…Ciao Deeba
Love your blog. I was going to ask you where you are from or your cultural difference an Indian person. It was answered in your bread post. I was just curious as to how some recipes might be different depending on location or culture. Anyhow, I’ve added you to my fast blog roll. If you don’ like its usage let me know I’ll remove you. I’ve other Indian recipe blogs there also. Thanks for being in-depth and taking the time to post a link to a printable version as well. You are the only blog that I know of that does due diligence to all blogger could be.
I am new to the blogging world and am so excited to this particular blogging event. I am hoping to bake some bread soon (for the first time!) 🙂
All of you have promised me to bake some “small breads” so I’m waiting for all your submissions.
Aparna, my pretzels are just cooling. Thanks for the idea!I will likely post them tomorrow night and email you then. Take care.
Just emailing the promised pretzels:)
I just sent you the enty details for our Baid Alqata or Salouq.
My entry to the Bread Baking Day event is posted here.Late, but not too late.
just sent you my entry Aparna! hope this one qualifies:)D